
Player Stats

 # -
Name: Christian Baechler
Position: Height: Weight:
Age: Shoots: Home:
  Right  BC 

 Career Stats
Season Team GP Wins Losses Ties G.A. AVG PIM
Winter 2014-15 The Scoregasms 12 4 17 1 113 5.351 12
Winter 2015-16 The Scoregasms 18 9 13 0 71 3.21 6
Spring 2016 The Scoregasms 1 5 5 0 37 3.7
Winter 2016/17 The Scoregasms 14 14 5 3 67 3.006 10
Winter 2017-18 The Scoregasms 12 0 0 0 0 0 17
Playoffs Team GP Wins Losses Ties G.A. AVG PIM
There are no playoff stats currently available for this player.